We missed many of our Quinta do Tedo visitors this year, as COVID changed your travel plans! So, here are short videos to share with our dear Friends of Quinta do Tedo - HARVEST 2020!
We start to sample for grape sugar levels in August. Here assistant winemaker Marta picks a variety of grape varieties (our Ports are blends of up to 21 different varietals!) in the vineyard for lab examination. When the grapes reach a certain sugar level green lights turn on to get the grape picking under way.
Grapes are carefully sorted, and after removing inferior quality, they are loaded on a ramp and arrive to our press and after directly into the open lagar for fermentation.
First time in Quinta do Tedo’s history - no foot treading due to COVID! We are firm believers in foot treading but hygienic restrictions did not allow this. Instead we macaco treaded with traditional chestnut wooden instruments for pushing down the cap and crushed grapes for optimum extraction and color. Better safe than sorry, 2021 we will return to our quality-proven tradition that shows in our PORTS!
Last lagar to fortify with aguardente (77% proof brandy) that stops the fermentation and our Quinta do Tedo Port is born. In the video you can see that it goes directly down to our first ageing cellar by gravity flow.
Saúde for all!